She really got into character and made the children really think about how the treat people.
She used the example of Dr Suess "The Sneetches" where one group of sneetches treat another group unfairly because of the way they look.
She did a great role play with us where she divided the class into two random group were the different groups were treated differently because of the stars she gave them to wear.
Some amazing reflection afterwards.
See below some of the wonderful things the children said.
Social experiment / Sneetches video / story
If you weren’t wearing a coloured dot how did you feel about the students who were wearing a coloured dot?
- Envy, jealousy, sadness, anger
- Really jealous and sad. I was annoyed.
- It felt it was not fair - why do they get special things.
- We wondered why it was not equal. We were embarrassed because we were sitting on the floor.
- We felt different.
- We thought it was unfair and thought people were being mean.
If you were wearing a coloured dot how did you feel?
- Once I had the dot and was sitting in the chair I felt a lot better. i felt special.
- I felt pride, freedom - I could speak, have fun.
- I was excited and interested.
I was happy
- I felt I was well treated, strong and powerful.
- I had access to privilege.
- I felt happy, lucky
- I felt bad for the other people
- I felt like I had more access to all the good things
- I felt special.
What feelings did you have during the activity?
- curious, nervous, wondering
- I felt it was unfair and I got bored when I was on the floor
- I felt happy when I had a dot and sad when i did not have a dot
- I was confused - why did they get a dot?
- divided
- jealousy, anger, sadness and happiness
What did you learn from the activity and the video?
- To be fair even though we are all different
- we have to be respectful
- Change what we do not who we are
- Everyone should be equal - no matter skin color, wealth
- We can all be special and still be different
- To treat people fairly
- Include everyone and treat all fairly.
- We have to think about how the other feel
- We can all change what we do to be more equal, more fair
- It does not matter what you look like you can still be equal
- We felt conflicted when we did not have stars and more peaceful when we had a star
Actions you will take to help everyone feel like they belong?
- I will include everyone when I play a game
- I will be caring to everyone
- I will treat everyone equally
- I will help my mother
- Say hello / good morning to everyone
- I will be open minded when listening to other students
- Smile more
Try to learn words in other people’s languages
- I will not take revenge or be selfish
- I will be friendly to everyone and make everyone feel special - no matter what they look like
- Share always
- Accept everybody
- If I see see someone on their own in the playground I will ask them if they want to play with us.
- I will think about how other people are feeling and try to make them feel at home, comfortable.
Hi mr.Simon, I'm Hyein in Korea I'm haveing a hard time stdying in Korea. Yesterday, I went to a new acadmy and studied 3hours and a half. In Korea I'm grade 5. our teacherlove table tennis. So he does table tennis everyday forceing us to do it. And he makes us run the whole fied in P.E. I think ISPP was better than Korean school.