Shape of a Leader (Start- 10th August 2016)
Where We Are in Place and Time
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories, home and journeys, the discoveries, explorations and migrations of mankind, the relationships between and the interconnectedness of the individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.
Central Idea: People have played a leading role in society which has resulted in change
Concepts: Change, Perspective, Responsibility
Lines of Inquiry
1) The attributes of a leader
2) How leaders affect change
3) Responsibility of leaders
Learner Profile: Thinker, Caring, Balanced
Attitudes: Cooperation, Independence, Commitment.
Art Mirrors Life (Start- 21st September 2015)
How We Express Ourselves
An inquiry into the ways we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of aesthetics.
Central Idea:
Gr. 4: Artistic expression is influenced by the society in which it exists.
Concepts: Function, Connection, Perspective
Lines of Inquiry
1) The ways artists express themselves
2) The interrelationship between society and the arts
2) Personal connections to the arts
Learner Profile: Risk taker, Communicator
Attitudes: Appreciation, Creativity, Enthusiasm.
Energy (Start- 10th November 2016)
How the World Works
An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological); and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.
Central Idea: Energy exists in different forms and works in many ways.
Concepts: Form, Function, Causation
Lines of Inquiry:
1) Different forms of energy
2) The ways we use energy
3) The impact of energy on our world.
Learner Profile: Principled, Knowledgeable.
Attitudes: Integrity, Curiosity.
Peace and Conflict (Start- 22 February 2016)
Sharing the Planet
An inquiry into the rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Central Idea: The actions and attitudes of individuals and communities create peace or conflict.
Concepts: Perspective, Causation, Responsibility
Lines of Inquiry:
1) The causes and impact of conflict
2) Different perspectives lead to different understandings.
3) Creating a culture of peace within a community.
Learner Profile: Inquirer, Open-minded.
Attitudes: Respect, Tolerance.
Marketplace (Start- 18th April 2016)
How We Organize Ourselves
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human–made systems and communities; the structure and the function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and on the environment
Central Idea: Markets exist in order to fulfill the needs and wants of a community.
Concepts: Form, Function, Reflection
Lines of inquiry:
1) The development and marketing of a product or service
2) How a marketplace functions
3) Decision making in an economic system
Learner Profile: Reflective, Communicator, Inquirer.
Attitudes: Enthusiasm, Confidence, Co-operation.
Belief Systems
Who We Are
An inquiry into the nature of the self, beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communicates, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Central Idea: Our actions and attitudes reflect the beliefs we hold.
Concepts: Form, Connection, Perspective
Lines of Inquiry:
1) People express their beliefs in different ways
2) Similarities and differences in belief systems
3) Being tolerant of other people’s perspectives
Learner Profile: Open-minded, Reflective.
Attitudes: Empathy, Appreciation, Tolerance.
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